The Society works with its breeders to continually improve breed standards and commercially viability with membership of Signet Beef breeder for the analysis of genetic data and cattle health schemes strongly encouraged.
Glowing reference to the breed is contained in Arthur Young’s “Agriculture of Sussex” dated 1793.
Society documents give details of Sussex calves registered since 1840. The first Official Herd Book recording calves born form 1840 was published in 1879 and the Sussex Cattle Society was incorporated under the Companies Act in 1890.
Memoranda and Articles are laid down for the constitution of the Society, which is non-profit making and a registered charity. The business of the Society is conducted by a Council of 16 elected Members who appoint a Chairman and other officers who retire by rotation every four years. Special sub-committees are convened by Council as required. The day to day running of the administration is based at the Registered Office where a full time Secretary is employed.