Belgium breeders imported top Durham Shorthorn cattle from England from 1850 to improve native breed in the Ardennes
By 1930 beef type was beginning to show and by 1960 the distinct meat animal seen today had begun to emerge
The breed today is a specialist beef/meat producer of large size, prominent double muscling, sloping rump, hidden hips, a straight back and strong fine legs
First importation into the UK 1982
Pedigree population in 2012 approximately
46,884 animals
At the last count approaching 45% of the UK’s dairy beef inseminations are by ‘British Blue’ bulls
The British Blue – Setting the Carcase Standard
• 180,000 calves are sired by a British Blue every year - BCMS Statistics
• Low Birth Weight
• A Short Gestation
• ‘Easy Calving’ blood lines
• A Quiet Temperament
• Producing a Quality Dairy Bred Carcase • Highly Sought after Dairy Bred Heifers • Premium Calf, Store and Cull Prices