Source: Les races ovine francaises – translated from French to English .Roussin are called " Roussin de la Hague" in France .
Roussin are the result of crossing local breeds and Dishley Leicester and Southdown. The local breeds in the 18th century populated the dunes and moors on the coast of Northern France. The English blood was introduced in about 1920, with the aim of improving the size and conformation of the local breeds. Suffolk was used as well. In 1978, the Association of Roussin Breeders was formed. The French Ministry of Agriculture officially recognized the breed in 1982, the constitution of a Roussin section within UPRA was confirmed.
The Roussin are grass sheep and do well in an oceanic climate, rain and wind. Benefiting well in poor zones and easy to keep. The prolificacy is naturally very high, reaching 185%.
End of translation.
Great care was taken in the development of the Roussin, strict criteria had to be met. Conformation, number of lambs in the litter, the milking ability of the dam and Daily Liveweight Gain of the lambs. Any lambs not meeting the exacting standards could not be registered for pedigree breeding. UPRA continues to inspect and evaluate the Roussin. Roussin were first imported into the Britain in 1989. They have brown faces and legs, the head and legs are free from wool as adults. Both sexes are polled. Their wool is white, fine to medium quality, with a staple length of 5-7cm and average weight of 3kg