The society is currently organised into five regional branches, each covering its own area of the country. Associated with these branches are local District Associations, also known as DAs, who hold local meetings, usually monthly, to talk about growing vegetables.Included as a District Association are our Irish members who for administration purposes come under the auspices of the Welsh Branch. The society has some 2800 members who range from allotment and kitchen garden growers through to some of the top exhibitors in the country.There's a wealth of knowledge in the society and our members have written many articles on vegetable growing which are published in the quarterly magazine, Simply Vegetables,that is provided to members. You will also find articles on all aspects of vegetable growing and showing in this site which may be beneficial to you.
As well as the advice and help the society offers to all levels of vegetable growers, we also train and examine judges and maintain a list of qualified persons. In addition if you are looking for a speaker we also maintain a register of persons willing to give talks/lectures.