We are all talking about it … in the supermarket, outside the school gate, in the office, and at home when none of us can sleep! Stocking up on sun cream, paddling pools and salad!
The first Amber warning has been published and it really is time to take this seriously, whether you love it or hate it, and we also need to remember our animals too!
In the farming world there will be many literally ‘making hay while the sun shines’ and our growers will be delighted that their strawberries are ripening in the sun… but they have to be aware of what is coming next and thunderstorms are forecast this weekend.
Many of us are so far removed from nature we forget how this weather affects not only our families and our communities, but how it impacts on our food and drink producers, we forget the struggles that face our rural businesses.
Jeremy Clarkson is not my favourite TV presenter but I do applaud him for his recent series documenting his farming venture, as it clearly demonstrates the challenges he has faced with regards to the weather!
So whether you love it or hate it – nothing lasts for ever, so stay in the cool, drink plenty, look after yourself and others and enjoy it if you can… and don’t forget to keep your wellies by the door for the weekend!