Happy New Year from Happerley

1st Jan 2019 05:33 AM

2019 promises to be big year for Happerley, as we build on a very busy 2018. Implementing a means to secure provenance honesty and transparency across the food industry that works for everyone is a big challenge.

The brainchild of a farmer wanting to connect his produce to the consumer, Happerley continues to grow support from all quarters of the food and drink industry, and not least consumers who want and deserve to know the impact of their purchases.

Just a few of our 2018 Highlights

We launched our android and ios apps at BBC Countryfile Live


Our Apps - continual development

The Happerley app enables everyone to scan QR codes, search and locate nearest Happerley Transparent food and drink suppliers to you, wherever you are, so you can discover and explore their ingredient supply chain up, down and sideways.
  • When you walk through the countryside, find out who that farmer is and who does he supply his beef to? 
  • When browsing the retailer aisles, find out exactly where do the ingredients in the strawberry jam come from
  • When dining in a restaurant, find out if their meat is local. Where do they buy their meat from? And what farms do they buy their meat from? And how was it farmed?

We reduced our fees to make Happerley affordable for all

Our fees were revised to make it affordable for every food and drink business with nothing to hide to benefit from validating its provenance and join the Network. Happerley’s purpose in not to turn a small premium element of the food and drink industry transparent, but to turn most of the food industry.
We wanted to make Happerley Transparency a 'no brainer' for every food and drink producer, processor and retailer - and we think we have!

We launched our QR Code

Now every Happerley Transparent client is automatically generated a unique QR code upon certification, instantly available for download on their dashboard. 

UK Retail First is now two months from instore realisation

We have successfully turned nearly 100 food and drink brands supplying their 'Best of our Counties' brand Happerley Transparent, and now prepare for a national media showcase in late Fenruary 2019 - showing the food and drink industry - and the consumer - the power of transparency for all in a supermarket.

We launched with Adam Henson at Walsall Academy school

Our launch, in a school complete with an assembly sheep invasion, made the BBC news, and we have been busy briefing school and college catering companies ever since. We have been developing a web portal that will go live in January. We are working closely with our launch partner, Little Pioneers, one of the UKs largest nursery groups, to showcase how this can connect children, parents and staff on what the kids are fed on thir plate. 

We are joining up all the dots on one data record

By validating and publising the ingredient supply chain, Happerley provides the foundation on which clients can now broaden the infomation they display so the consumer can discover the spectrum of impacts their purchase affects. 
We are now inviting every Happerley Transparent brand to publlish on its Happerley Transparent Data Record its commitments to the environment; education; communities; sustainability; packaging & waste; welfare and energy

Engaging with Consumers  & Showcasing Transparency

We held our first Happerley Food Heaven event at the Cotswold Races in April, supported by Best of our Counties, and it proved a tremendous success. We have been in discussion ever since and are planning a series of events through 2019. 

We proved how little  consumers are told!

We challenged the public to try and only consume food and drink for which they knew where the ingredients were from, for a whole week in February. Celebrities, bloggers and journalists tried it - and the consensus was it is very difficult (not helped by the snow, of course!). 

We are now opening our doors to work with every food and drink organisations

We have deveoloped our organisations module so any organisation involved with food and drink can gain a range of benefits by working with Happerley, for the common benefit of all. 

We clarified our message to 'Happerley Transparent'

As we further distill our core messaging we reworked our marque to be 'Happerley Transparent’ than ‘Happerley Certified'.
This recognises we are not an accreditation or assurance scheme and we stand for no creed or favour. Happerley is solely focused on delivering a validated provenance of ingredient supply chain - for the benefit of every element of the food chain, from farmer to consumer.

We continued to engage with media 

We contune to push the message that the food and drink industry in the UK can benefit from an independent means to deliver transparency to the consumer, empowering the consumer to know the truth and make purchases based on fact not fiction. 

And behind the scenes...

We built new offices and IT infrastructure on our farm

We have invested in new infrastructure, processes and IT to support our plans moving forwards. 

We developed our audit and onboarding process

We commissioned leading food and drink lawyers, Burgess Salmon, to work with us on terms and conditions of certification. We have also spent significant staff resources this year improving and developing our internal processes. 

We started working on V2

Our software team is dedicated to continually improving and evolving the online and app platforms. They have also started on developing an entirely new V2  to enompass many of the on boarding and process functions. 

Our 2019 Strategy

Encouraging every food and drink business to turn Happerley Transparent
 In 2018 we made our fees affordable for every food and drink business with nothing to hide to benefit from validating its provenance and enjoy a range of benefits of Happerley Transparent certification. Happerley’s purpose in not to turn a small premium element of the food and drink industry transparent, but to turn most of the food industry transparent.
Growing consumer awareness
We expect this to accelerate quickly through 2019 as we work with an increasing range of food and drink businesses
• Participation of food and drink organisations and accreditation schemes for example NCASS
• Point of sale roll out across hundreds of Midcounties Cooperative stores from February onwards
• Our Feed Me Truth schools campaign, encouraging schools and colleges to turn their supply chains transparent
• Events signing up to become Happerley Food Heavens, ensuring their caterers and / or food and drink vendors are Happerley Transparent
Securing investment
Happerley has been privately funded to date, predominantly by its founder, Matthew Rymer. Investors will now be invited in the first quarter of 2019 to accelerate strategy to a maintream solution.
Continue blockchain pilots
Apply our blockchain technology to six pilots with six suppliers to Midcounties Co-operative, passporting the whole journey of every food output, from farm to plate. This will empower the consumer, in a click, to know the validated journey of every consituent ingredient of their purchase.