Hobbs House Bakery
Our Business ranges from Sourcing, Producing and Retail and in each case we strive to minimise our impact on the environment. We only source sustainable and traceable ingredients, we deploy efficient and to-order manufacturing techniques to reduce energy usage and product waste. Whilst, in retail we use renewable energy to fuel our Bristol based shops and aim to be single-use plastic free by the end of 2019 across all of our shops. Our shops also repurpose any surplus bread on the menu or within the local community.
Our Business ranges from Sourcing, Producing and Retail and in each case we strive to minimise our impact on the environment. We only source sustainable and traceable ingredients, we deploy efficient and to-order manufacturing techniques to reduce energy usage and product waste. Whilst, in retail we use renewable energy to fuel our Bristol based shops and aim to be single-use plastic free by the end of 2019 across all of our shops. Our shops also repurpose any surplus bread on the menu or within the local community.
Local Communities
Community is at the heart of everything we do here at Hobbs House Bakery. We source the majority of our inventory from local suppliers; our flour is from Shipton Mill, Coffee from Bristol-based Extract Coffee and all of our other food suppliers are within 25 miles. We also support the local community through partnering with charities such as Feed the Homeless and Community of Purpose. We’ve ‘adopted’ a local school and taught each pupil how to bake. We also support communities further afield, by partnering with Ifakara bakery in Tanzania, donating a loaf for each Gluten Free GiFt loaf we sell.
Packaging & Waste
We use compostable wax bags and Coffee cups and aim for our shops to be single-use plastic free by the end of 2019. We incentivise customers by offering a 10% discount when they present a reusable cup. The majority of our breads are sold unwrapped meaning a lot of purchases involve no single-use packaging. We place emphasis on reducing surplus bread and we have procedures in place to repurpose any surplus that does occur. Our shops repurpose bread on the menu and within their communities through local charities. Where this isn’t possible we supply our bread as animal feed.
Inspiring & Educating
Inspiring and educating is a fundamental part of what we do, we founded our cookery school with the objective of exciting and educating the Public about great food, from Cake baking to Pie making. We deliver Baking Kits nationwide to make home baking more accessible and fun, whilst we develop engaging and informative content online to inspire and guide people across the globe to bake at home. Additionally, we provide work experience opportunities via partnerships with the Charities, Mencap and Ruskin Mill College.
Energy Reduction
Our Shops in Bristol are solely fuelled by Green power, whilst all our retail premises are exclusively lit by energy-efficient LED lights. Our Vans meet the euro-six emission standard and we look to procure the most efficient vehicles possible going forward. We closely monitor the volume of bread we deliver per mile and set ambitious improvements for this year on year. We operate a made-to-order manufacturing process, which reduces energy and water usage and generates less waste.
Nutritional Values
We use traditional techniques, which value time over additives and deliver a wholesome and nutritious loaf. We follow the Real Bread Campaigns ethos of using as few ingredients as possible so some of our loaves contain only 3 ingredients, Flour, Water and Salt. We also cater for specific dietary requirements by offering Wheat and Gluten Free loaves.
Animal Welfare
We source sustainable and high welfare animal products and follow Defra’s guidelines when supplying waste bread as animal feed.
Who we supply to on the Happerley Network
Who we supply to on the Happerley Network

Best Of Our Counties

Neptune Cocklebarrow Happerley Food Heaven 2019
Royal Three Counties Show - Happerley Food Heaven 2019

Creed Foodservice
Provenance Circles
Certified Gold Standard
English Larder
01454 321629 | |
https://www.hobbshousebakery.co.uk | |
[email protected] | |
Hobbs House Bakery, Hatters Lane, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol, Gloucestershire, BS37 6AA |
Hobbs House Bakery
01454 321629 |
‘NV’ denotes unverified. ‘V’ denotes verified.
We are committed to continually evolving Happerley to provide the information everyone wants to see. We welcome all [email protected]