The Hampshire Breed has been developed in the United States of America and is now one of the World’s most important breeds.
In some respects the Hampshire can be regarded as a ‘British Native’ Breed, as the original breeding stock was imported...
The British Saddleback is the result of the amalgamation of two similar breeds, the Essex and Wessex Saddleback.
The origin of the Improved Essex Pig is better authenticated than most. Lord Western, while travelling in Italy, saw some...
In 1812, early "Red Hogs" were bred in New York and New Jersey. They were large in size. Large litters and the ability to grow quickly were characteristics Durocs possessed from the beginning. The foundation that formed today's "Duroc" was...
For most of its history from the early years of the twentieth century, it remained a local breed, undiscovered by farmers outside its native territory. It suited the locality well and was in strong demand there so there was little incentive for...
A combination of the following definitions denoting type, quality, breeding and masculinity in the case of boars, and femininity in the case of sows and gilts.
Fine face, dished snout of medium length; wide between the...
The Middle White was first recognised as a breed in 1852 in most unusual circumstances. At the Keighley Agricultural Show in West Yorkshire, Joseph Tuley, a weaver by trade, exhibited several of his famous Large White sows along with other pigs....
Although if old paintings are to be trusted, there have been spotted pigs around for two or three centuries, the Gloucestershire Old Spots has only had pedigree status since the early 20th century.
They had been set into type for some time and...
Please call our Network Manager, Claire Thayers, or email [email protected] supplying your contact details for a call back. The Happerley Network wants to on board all UK food producer and produce organisations, associations, certifications and schemes as quickly as possible, connecting and profiling members within the Network search. Preferential rates for certifying intermediary and retailer memberships are available.