The SCBA was founded in 2000 by a group of mainland UK breeders who were concerned about the vulnerable status of the breed, and wished to do something about it. Our cattle are not endangered because they are obsolete, but because we have not...
The Shorthorn breed of cattle, which we know today, has evolved over the last two centuries, from Teeswater and Durham cattle found originally in the North East of England.
The breed has a very long and distinguished history, and developments...
The DCBS is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. It is the breed society for Red Ruby Devon Cattle and was established in 1884 to promote and maintain the purity of the Red Ruby Devon breed. It also works to promote the Davy...
The Irish Moiled is one of our most distinctive breeds of cattle native to Ireland and more specifically they are the only surviving domestic livestock native to Northern Ireland.
They are a hornless (polled) breed, red in colour and...
The history of the Appenzeller Spitzhauben is somewhat of a mystery - due to lack of early documentation.
The Breed originates from the Appenzell canton in North-Eastern Switzerland, most documents place the first examples of the breed (or...
Known for its focus on egg laying, this breed has an Australian origin and is developed as a utility breed.
Araucanas come in twelve standardised colours, both large and bantam, tailed and rumpless. They are the original blue egg layers, their eggs are unique as the blue colour permeates throughout the shell. All other breeds which lay blue eggs have...
One of the Mediterranean light weight, white egg breeds, this hardy bird takes its name form the city of Ancona in Italy. It can be found in both single and rose combed forms. Its plumage is black, with some of the feathers being tipped with...
The Black Welsh Mountain Sheep Breeders' Association was formed in 1920 and it is perhaps indicative of the Association's awareness of the commercial meat market that formation took place at a meeting convened by Major and Mrs Jervoise (Flock no....
Please call our Network Manager, Claire Thayers, or email [email protected] supplying your contact details for a call back. The Happerley Network wants to on board all UK food producer and produce organisations, associations, certifications and schemes as quickly as possible, connecting and profiling members within the Network search. Preferential rates for certifying intermediary and retailer memberships are available.