Herdwick sheep are the native breed of the central and western Lake District and live on the highest of England’s mountains. They are extremely hardy and are managed in the traditional way on the Lake District fells that have been their home for...
The Exmoor Horn Sheep Breeders’ Society was formed in 1906 and celebrated its Centenary year in 2006. On August 20th, 1907, the first Registered Sale and Show was held at Winsford, Somerset, when ”1,200 ewes were sold by auction, at an average...
The Derbyshire Gritstone sheep originated on the hills of the Dale of Goyt (now better known as the Goyt Valley) on the edge of the Peak District around the year 1770 and was known in its early years as the Dale O’Goyt sheep. The Derbyshire...
Dalesbred sheep are indigenous to the upper reaches of the Dales which comprise the central area of the Pennine Hills on the borders of the North and West Ridings of Yorkshire, North Lancashire and Cumbria. Here the Dalesbred sheep are well...
The Cotswold sheep, often referred to as the 'Cotswold Lion' was introduced to the UK by the Romans. Their wool known as the 'Golden Fleece' was an important export. It not only played a major role in the development of many Cotswold towns and...
Blue Texel sheep are one of the most recent breeds to be imported into the UK.
Blue Texels are quickly gaining popularity with commercial sheep farmers as terminal sires for prime lamb production.
Blue Texels are;
ideal terminal...
The Bleu du Maine breed is famed for it's exceptional mothering abilities, easy lambing with lots of milk! Using the pure Bleu ram on Texel type or hill ewes will produce you a fantastic replacement ewe & increase your lambing percentage. The...
One of the Mediterranean light weight, white egg breeds, this hardy bird takes its name form the city of Ancona in Italy. It can be found in both single and rose combed forms. Its plumage is black, with some of the feathers being tipped with...
The history of the Appenzeller Spitzhauben is somewhat of a mystery - due to lack of early documentation.
The Breed originates from the Appenzell canton in North-Eastern Switzerland, most documents place the first examples of the breed (or...
Araucanas come in twelve standardised colours, both large and bantam, tailed and rumpless. They are the original blue egg layers, their eggs are unique as the blue colour permeates throughout the shell. All other breeds which lay blue eggs have...
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