The Red Poll is a dual-purpose animal. The breed was evolved to combine the production of the very highest standard of beef with a satisfactory milk yield. Accordingly, judging should aim at deciding the best COMBINATION of these qualities....
Belgium breeders imported top Durham Shorthorn cattle from England from 1850 to improve native breed in the Ardennes
By 1930 beef type was beginning to show and by 1960 the distinct meat animal seen today had begun to emerge
The breed...
Aberdeen-angus is the world’s finest beef breed with world recognition for its quality meat and easy cared for cattle. Find out more about the breed and the benefits of breeding aberdeen-angus cattle for commercial beef farmers
Originating in South-west Scotland, the Ayrshire Breed was first recorded on an official basis in the 1870's, with formation of the Ayrshire Cattle Society Herd Book in 1877.
The typical Ayrshire cow is an alert vigorous animal showing strong...
Gloucester cattle are strikingly beautiful and ideal for parkland and conservation management. They fit well into an extensive system and providing the land drains well and they have some shelter, they will thrive if out wintered, growing a good...
The Belted Galloway is currently experiencing an upsurge in popularity and it's no wonder. One of the most visually distinctive breeds of cattle, its many merits lie not only in its unique appearance and good nature, but also in its hardiness and...
During the 1800s, black and white cattle were imported into the east coast ports of England and Scotland from the Low Countries, until live cattle importations were stopped in 1892 as a precaution against endemic Foot and Mouth disease on the...
I believe the amalgamation happened in the 1960s and the Saddlebacks were the most popular of the coloured breeds. The mixing of the two breeds did not improve in the high bred vigour even though both breeds had their own male and female blood...
For most of its history from the early years of the twentieth century, it remained a local breed, undiscovered by farmers outside its native territory. It suited the locality well and was in strong demand there so there was little incentive for...
Origins: One of this country’s oldest pig breeds, the Large Black had its origins in the Old English Hog of the 16th and 17th centuries. By the late 1800’s the main strongholds of the breed were in East Anglia and Devon and Cornwall, and two...
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